It has been a while since my last post. Things have been busy. On Tuesday night, I flew home to participate in the Kentucky accreditation site visit. It was an interesting experience since I have been on three accreditation teams since the last time we had a visit at our school. It was helpful to me in preparing for the sessions and took away any nervousness about the process. I thought I talked too much in the curriculum and assessment meetings. But both committees had new chairs, and I didn't want them to be put in a bad position trying to answer questions about what the committee did before they even attended a meeting. Anyway, I had to get my money's worth for the plane ticket I bought! The outcome was good with only a small amount of monitoring requested. The team liked the new building and dubbed it the Taj Mahal or "taj" for short.
It was good to see all my co-workers at Kentucky. Everything seems to be on track for the move to the new building. My suite moves on December 4th. I had hoped to finish packing but that didn't work out too well. I still have four days when I get back to campus in December, so it should be okay. I guess I spent too much time visiting while I was there. Actually, I made some progress on my project while I was home thanks to the rotation students. They helped me clean up the department chair lists and we started sending out the emails requesting promotion and tenure documents. I will send out the last hundred emails today and start collecting replies.
For the weekend, Mike and I went to Louisville and stayed at the Horseshoe Resort. John and Brittany came and spent time with us. We had a nice dinner and tried something new for us. We were offered free tickets to the Roger Daltrey concert so we went to check it out. For those of you below the age of 35, Roger Daltrey was the lead singer for The Who. If that doesn't help, think of Tommy, the Rock Opera. I posted a picture that Mike took during the concert. I guess Daltrey is about 65. He looks to be in pretty good shape for an aging rocker. At least he looked better than most of the audience. It was quite funny to watch a bunch of 50-60 somethings acting like teenagers. They started out standing but couldn't make it through the whole concert, so eventually everybody sat down. Sometimes they sang along or waved their hands. It was pretty funny. I enjoyed parts of the concert but wouldn't have paid money for the tickets.
Now it is back to Virginia for three weeks and get my project to a good stopping point before Thanksgiving.
Roger who???? (hee-hee)