Monday, September 21, 2009

A sliver of hope

I have spent the day reading literature and working on a short project proposal to share with my colleagues at AACP headquarters tomorrow. I was beginning to feel like my head would explode from all of the thoughts I had stuffed inside, so I took a break to see what was going on in the world of the internet. Much to my delight, I see a report that the flu is rampant on the UF campus and a few players were affected during the UF-UT game over the weekend (maybe an explanation for the closer than expected outcome). Is it possible that Tim Tebow could be at less than full strength on Saturday? Probably not. He is superhuman. If all the receivers are ill, could Tim throw the ball and then run down the field to catch it also? I know tht is illegal for other players, but surely the referees would let Tim do it.

I will follow the kentuckysportsradio. com closely this week. Hope springs eternal.

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